Middlemarch {George Eliot}
Season of Migration to the North {Tayeb Salih}
This Side of Paradise {F. Scott Fitzgerald}
A Farewell To Arms {Ernest Hemingway}
The Sun Also Rises {Ernest Hemingway}
Green Grass, Running Water {Thomas King}
The God of Small Things {Arundhati Roy}
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas {Hunter S. Thompson}
Siddartha {Herman Hesse}
Demian {Herman Hesse}
Jane Eyre {Charlotte Bronte}
Tess of the D'Urbervilles {Thomas Hardy}
Ishmael {Daniel Quinn}
The Grapes of Wrath {John Steinbeck}
Waiting For Godot {Samuel Beckett}
Les Fleurs de Mal (The Flowers of Evil) {Charles Baudelaire}
Les Miserables {Victor Hugo}
Pride and Predjudice {Jane Austen}
King Lear, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream {William Shakespeare}
A Wrinkle in Time {Madeline L'Engle}
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe {C.S. Lewis}
The Stranger {Albert Camus}
The Plague {Albert Camus}
One Hundered Years of Solitude {Gabriel Garcia Marquez}
Memories of My Melancholy Whores {Gabriel Garcia Marquez}
Heart of Darkness {Joseph Conrad}
Apology {Plato} Electra {Sophocles}
Antigone {Sophocles}
Cannery Row {John Steinbeck}
The Jazz Age {F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald}
Judge on Trial {Ivan Klima}
Consolation of Philosophy {Boethius}
The Monodology {Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz}
On What Grounds What (essay) {Jonathan Schaffer}
Out of the Silent Planet {C.S. Lewis}
The Reader {Bernhard Schlink}
Dracula {Bram Stoker}

"And now good morrow to our waking souls,
Which watch not one another out of fear;
For love all love of other sights controls,
And makes one little room an everywhere."
{John Donne, "The Good Morrow"}

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Brief memory from the Beautiful City of Portland... Starring: BOOKS! What Else?

Last year, when browsing Powell's City of Books in downtown Portland, OR, I was in the position of hearing a humorous but enlightening conversation between an employee and a fellow browser making an inquiry at the literature section information booth.

"Uh, I'm having trouble finding The DaVinci Code here"

The employee could not have given a more scornful reply. "That's because that book, isn't in literature", she said. "It's in mystery".

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