Middlemarch {George Eliot}
Season of Migration to the North {Tayeb Salih}
This Side of Paradise {F. Scott Fitzgerald}
A Farewell To Arms {Ernest Hemingway}
The Sun Also Rises {Ernest Hemingway}
Green Grass, Running Water {Thomas King}
The God of Small Things {Arundhati Roy}
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas {Hunter S. Thompson}
Siddartha {Herman Hesse}
Demian {Herman Hesse}
Jane Eyre {Charlotte Bronte}
Tess of the D'Urbervilles {Thomas Hardy}
Ishmael {Daniel Quinn}
The Grapes of Wrath {John Steinbeck}
Waiting For Godot {Samuel Beckett}
Les Fleurs de Mal (The Flowers of Evil) {Charles Baudelaire}
Les Miserables {Victor Hugo}
Pride and Predjudice {Jane Austen}
King Lear, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream {William Shakespeare}
A Wrinkle in Time {Madeline L'Engle}
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe {C.S. Lewis}
The Stranger {Albert Camus}
The Plague {Albert Camus}
One Hundered Years of Solitude {Gabriel Garcia Marquez}
Memories of My Melancholy Whores {Gabriel Garcia Marquez}
Heart of Darkness {Joseph Conrad}
Apology {Plato} Electra {Sophocles}
Antigone {Sophocles}
Cannery Row {John Steinbeck}
The Jazz Age {F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald}
Judge on Trial {Ivan Klima}
Consolation of Philosophy {Boethius}
The Monodology {Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz}
On What Grounds What (essay) {Jonathan Schaffer}
Out of the Silent Planet {C.S. Lewis}
The Reader {Bernhard Schlink}
Dracula {Bram Stoker}

"And now good morrow to our waking souls,
Which watch not one another out of fear;
For love all love of other sights controls,
And makes one little room an everywhere."
{John Donne, "The Good Morrow"}

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Le Vin Des Amants (Lover's Wine)

Aujourd'hui l'espace est splendide!
Sans mors, sans eperons, sans bride,
Partons a cheval sur le vin
Pour un ciel feerique et divin!

Comme deux anges que torture
Une implacable calenture,
Dans le bleu cristal du matin
Suivons le mirage lointain!

Mollement balances sur l'aile
Du tourbillon intelligent,
Dans un delire parallele,

Ma soeur, cote a cote nageant,
Nous furions sans repos ni treves
Vers le paradis de mes reves!

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